On and On (Let Our Voices Rise)

You were the artist of the garden
A beauty was made no one had known
To dust and bones life was given
Now all of creation sings this song
Oh it’s singing

On and on, Your praise goes on and on
And we will not be silent
Let everything that has breath praise You
On and on, For Your love goes on and on
It reaches to the heavens
And stretches to the sky
So let our voices rise

We wandered away from perfect wonder
But Love came and found us at the cross
For three days You waited in the darkness
But then as the King of life You rose
And we’re singing

You made a way from earth to glory
Through battle and flame, we will press on
For our eyes are fixed on Heaven
Where one day we’ll join the angel’s song
Oh they’re singing

This is our story
This is our song
Praising our Savior all the day long

© Linzy Westman Music, Copyright 2018. On and On (Let Our Voices Rise) will be released on July 13, 2018. This is the pre-release link for download. Please do not share, sell or distribute this track.