i surrender all to thee: song story

I’ve heard people say “if you don’t mean it, don’t sing it” in relation to worship songs in church. Some might even go so far as saying that unless your heart is completely in the right place with God, you shouldn’t be singing certain lines of songs, because they’re not being sung out of a genuine place. I disagree with both of these statements and here’s why:

  • We are in a battle. Every second of every day, Satan is vying for attention and affection that belongs only to Jesus. Part of our armor is our praise. When we fix our eyes on Jesus and give ourselves to Him in worship, it quelches the enemies attacks and elevates Jesus to His rightful place.  

  • We need help turning our hearts TO HIM. This requires more than just telling ourselves “OK, get right with God… ready, go!” God made us mind, body, soul and spirit… and sometimes we need the power that comes when all those things come together to soften the hardened places of our heart. It’s more than just deciding that we’re going to get right with god, it’s an active turning of our hearts. One of the ways we do that is by singing songs of praise and surrender (another post on this to come!). It’s a spiritual discipline, and it sets the stage for the Spirit to work.

  • We are called to be obedient. God has put a calling on each of our lives to be worshippers -- to offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1). Sometimes the best way to worship is to sing things we know to be true over and over again until they resonate and ring true in our own hearts.

  • Finally, it’s not about us. Because Christ paid the price for all of our sins, we can stand before Him clean. Because He said “it is finished” at the cross, we can live in total freedom. It is out of THAT place, the place of truly recognizing what our Savior has done for us, that we can truly surrender.

My heart’s desire is to see the song “I Surrender All to Thee” being used in the church for those purposes. It was written primarily by a dear friend of mine and avid worshipper Carolyn Marcotte, whose heart for Jesus is one I would like to emulate. This song is one of total surrender… and honestly, it’s hard for me to sing. I’m constantly asking myself, “Is this true? Am I really surrendering all to Christ?” I want to stay in that place… the place of humility and asking the Spirit to change me.

The verses of this song talk about Jesus’ great sacrifice on the cross and how in that moment of our greatest need, every debt was forgiven and we were set free. The appropriate response to this sacrifice is a life completely surrendered to Christ… but if we’re honest with ourselves, we’re often not in a place where we have surrendered all to Him. That is exactly why we sing, because singing songs like this help us get to that place. Recounting and repeating the love-sacrifice of Jesus together is what fuels a heart-level response of surrender. Ultimately, it’s the power of the Holy Spirit that changes hearts, but we can invite Him to do so by loosening our grips and fixing our eyes upon Him.

Listen to "I Surrender all to Thee" on iTunes.


FULLY funded and FULL of joy.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” - James 1:17

I can’t hardly believe it. The album is now FULLY FUNDED and then some, thanks to your gracious support! This has been an incredible and humbling journey already, as so many of you have come alongside because you believe in what God is doing and going to do through this project. I am forever grateful and deeply indebted to all of you who sent up prayers and gave financially to this project. THANK YOU!

What's next? Well... the recording process! I will be in LA for a couple of weeks in April to record the album. It will be a busy time, but I could not be more excited to be moving forward with the project. My deepest prayer is that God will use these songs to encourage the heart of worship in the church. It’s all from Him and for Him, so I truly believe He will answer that prayer as we are faithful.

Now, I truly covet your prayers for the recording and production process. We are in the middle of narrowing down the song list, preparing tracks, and securing the recording schedule and I desperately need the leading of the Holy Spirit in each of those areas.

Please pray for:

  • Grace over big decisions (like the final song list, players, arrangements, etc.)
  • Health for me and others involved
  • Production preparation (tracks being made, charts being created, etc.)

... but most of all, that God would be glorified in every part of this process!

Feel free to follow me on Twitter or Facebook, if you would like to see tidbits of the process along the way. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart, and be on the lookout for future updates!

kickstart this album!



You guys… I have been completely BLOWN AWAY by the support I have received for this album thus far. God has blessed me abundantly with a community of people who believe in me and in His calling on my life. So humbling. Many thanks to all who have come alongside me thusfar.

In case you haven’t heard, I am getting ready to record my first worship EP! The goal of the album is to create songs for the church to use in congregational worship. My deepest passion and I believe one of my greatest callings in this life is to help encourage and give words to help God’s people to connect deeply with His heart. To that end, I’ll be recording an album of original songs and retuned hymns this spring, which will hopefully be available this summer.

Our Kickstarter campaign is currently underway and we are just $650 away from our goal… with 12 days left! Any funds raised above and beyond this goal will be used to help make these songs more widely available to the church. If you would like to hear more about the album or contribute to the project, feel free to visit the campaign HERE.

Thank you all for your continued support and love! I am loving sharing this process with you and can’t wait to release the final product this summer.

